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Welcome to Vivosaur Island, home of the world-famous Fossil Stadium, where dinosaurs revived from ancient fossils fight in thrilling battles! As a Fossil Fighter, you’ll dig up dinosaur fossils, clean them, and revive them into powerful “vivosaurs,” ready to battle. In your adventures, you’ll delve into ancient ruins, explore sunken pirate ships, and uncover secrets that will shake the planet to its core!…….

Technical Details

– Find and fight! Collect over 100 different vivosaurs and pit them against enemy vivosaurs in strategic, turn-based battles.
– Your skills enhance your vivosaurs’ powers.
– Each fossil must be carefully cleaned of excess rock. With a steady hand and keen eye, you can make your vivosaurs stronger
– Battle and trade with friends.
– Using DS Wireless Play, you can take on a friend within range of your system for head-to-head battles or trade your extra fossils for new ones
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Customer Buzz

 “Fossil Cleaners: Dig, Rinse, Repeat” 2009-09-09
By Patricia D. McCoy (Xenia, Ohio United States)
I bought this based on a previous love of both dinosaurs and monster battling games such as Pokemon. Of course I wasn’t expecting much since previous incarnations of that combo have amounted to little more than electronic “Rock, paper, scissors” and I was pleasantly surprised when the battle system at least was decent, but it has other issues.

To start, the rating is accurate. The story is so squeaky clean and typical that even the parts meant to be interesting and funny won’t make anyone who’s over the age of five so much as crack a smile. You start as a boy who somehow has the funding to travel to a tropical island and live in a fancy hotel without parental supervision in order to train large carnivorous animals to battle other large beasts, perfectly thoughtless setup. This island is mostly populated with women yet for some reason you can’t play one: Score one for equality, right? Wake up Nintendo, and realize that women are 30% of gamers now. As if that wasn’t good enough, to progress and level up you get sent on fetch quests (Everyone loves a pointless fetchquest!) to hurry the plot along, and fight the same baddies it seems like an infinite number of times.

On the pro side are the cleaning minigame, which is varied in difficulty and genuinely fun at times, and the battles. BUT, the amount to which you have to clean during the game borders on obsessive. To get all the species it could be hundreds of rounds of hunting and cleaning, not counting cleaning gems for cash. Battling is in actuality a very small part of the game and what battles you get are often repeats. You never really need to change dinos from your initial team, it’s more than easy to beat everyone in the game with one arm tied behind your back.

In all the entire game is great if you’re 5-7 years old. Easy battles, repetitive gameplay, and simple plot. Even the characters seem to push the camera towards items of interest (“Just go through the door on your left” Game pauses, then shows left door) and you seem to be constantly followed by a horrible excuse for a female companion who is not only always one step behind you, but who also loves nothing more than entering into 5 minutes of dialog when you just want to explore. Imagine my dissapointment when I discovered you couldn’t hit her with the pickaxe!

Even as a fan of monster games I just can’t give this more than two stars. I swear this game has turned me misogynistic, AND I’M A WOMAN! For better games in this area of interest check out Specrobes for DS, no dinos, but other similar elements with better execution. Unless I was buying this for a very young child I would avoid it, or at least make sure to give it a try-before-you-buy. If you buy it for yourself, you may end up burying it before you’re done.

Customer Buzz

 “Dinosaurs + Fighting= Awesome Boy Game” 2009-09-04
By MomAdvice (Indiana)
I wanted to get my son’s thoughts on this game for nearly 2 weeks now but he’s been so busy playing it, I haven’t been able to get a good overview from him until now. I shouldn’t be surprised. It combines his favorite thing in the world, dinosaurs, with something he does every day with his sister… fighting.

Fossil Fighters is a new game for the DS where you can pretty much guess what it entails from the title. You play a boy (what? no girls?) who comes to an island to hunt for fossils which will turn into battle-ready dinosaurs, ready to tear your opponents dinos apart. Well, its not quite that exciting, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

The gameplay consists of 4 main elements: the story, hunting for fossils, cleaning the fossils, and fighting. The story helps move things along and does a good job of introducing the other parts of the game as you come to them. New areas of the game open up as you progress allow you to explore and find new fossils. The fossil finding is dead simple. You have a radar that tells you where they are around you and you dig them up. The excitement is in finding new fossils that give you a new dinosaur makes existing ones more powerful.

My favorite part of the game is the cleaning. If you have kids who have always wanted to be paleontologists or archeologists, they’d love this. You have to chip away at the rock using a hammer and drill to uncover the bone within. The challenge is you must do this without damaging the fossil as well as complete the task within a set time limit. The less damage you do to the fossil, the more powerful your resulting dinosaur will be. This can be both rewarding and frustrating. Some rocks already have parts of the fossil showing, so you must be more careful in those areas. Some rocks resemble swiss cheese making the cleaning process feel like surgery. The DS is perfect for this task with the touchscreen. To top it off, your drill creates dust making it difficult to see what you’re doing so you blow on your DS to remove the dust making it great fun.

That brings us to the fighting. Battles crop up in many different ways, but most are when you dig something up and another fighter pops out of nowhere claiming it to be theirs. You break out your pack of dinos and take turns unleashing a variety of moves. There is actually a good amount of strategy involved as different types of dinos are strong or weak against other types. This affects which ones you bring with you to battle (you can only choose 3). Also, one of these does the main fighting at a time while the others serve supporting roles. If you win, your dinos get a little stronger. If you lose, you don’t lose your fossils or any similar dire consequences with lowers the frustration factor for kids. You simple end up back in town and you try the same thing again.

The downside of this game is that for being named after fighting, the fighting doesn’t seem to be the best part. The fights are repetitive and very easy for most of the game. It’s fun to try out new dinosaurs when you get them, but it’s the same routine over and over. Many times, the fighting gets in the way of the fun, which is a shame. The good thing is that the rest of the game is quite satisfying and its certainly not a game they will finish in a few days. There’s plenty of entertainment for the kids in this one.

Customer Buzz

 “Fossil Fighters: More than you’d expect.” 2009-08-25
By C. Grill
Dinosaurs + Fighting.

How could this be bad? Well, it’s failed miserably before, and I’m sure a lot of people have since been a bit cautious with this combination.

So, no, I wasn’t expecting anything ground-breaking, but I was hopeful that it would be decent fun.

Well, let me tell you, this game is much more than it let’s on.

First impression:

It’s slow to begin.

Dialogue and more dialogue. But it wasn’t at all boring. Surprisingly, the game has a lot of personality and humor. Once you learn what you’ll be doing and how to do it, you won’t want to put it down.

Anywhere outside of town there will appear a radar on the top screen to find fossils in the ground (while in town, the top screen is a very helpful map), you dig them up, and use your stylus to break away the rock from the fossil. The stylus will act as a hammer or a drill. If the fossil is a skull, you get a new Vivosaur! If you get a body, arm, or leg fossil, it will add power to your Vivosaur.

Each Vivosaur has an element. An element is stronger and weaker than another element. Basic stuff. You have a team of 5 you carry around with you. You can fight with up to 3 Vivosaurs at once. On the lower screen you see their positions and their condition, and on the top screen you see their 3D form either attacking the enemie’s team or waiting for a command. There’s even little commentators announcing what is happening in the battle (in text form). This bit of the game is very reminiscent of Pokemon Stadium, which I loved.

I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but I wasn’t expecting anything more than choosing a dinosaur and fighting another dinosaur, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was entirely wrong. This is a very, very long adventure game. So far I have clocked a little over 15 hours and there’s no hint to an end in sight. You travel to different parts of the island to find different fossils and take on new missions.

This game is easily addictive, so be careful.

Also, there is little to no necessary grinding. Do so if you want, it will certainly make your Vivosaurs stronger, but collecting different fossil parts will make them strong enough for any battle.

Yes, this is an EASY game. I haven’t had much trouble with anything. But that isn’t the point. It’s a fun ride, easy on the eyes, and never boring or repetitive. If you’re a “hardcore gamer” and enjoy “mature games for mature gamers like myself” then this is not for you.

Gameplay: Fun, creative, and addictive. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and it doesn’t try to be anything it isn’t.

Graphics: They’re fantastic. It feels like I’m playing an old N64 game. It easily rivals Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Now, you have to understand, the DS is limited to a certain extent, so next to a handheld like the PSP, the Nintendo DS is almost laughable. However, graphics aren’t everything, and it doesn’t take away from the quality of the game. If anything, the game has a sort of nostalgic feel to it.

Overall: You can always tell when developers love the games they make. A lot of thought was put into this game and it shows.

Customer Buzz

 “Best For Young Males” 2009-08-23
For me, ressurrecting dinosaurs was the main lure of this game, especially since there are over 100 different dinosaur species to unlock!

You play as a young boy (meaning female players will have to endure taking on a male perspective) who is on his way to Vivosaur Island, a resort location funded by a rich old man and his perky granddaughter. The main attraction on the island is Fossil Stadium, where people watch ressurrected dino-battles.

New features, locations, and gameplay mechanics are introduced as you progress through the game’s chapters (so a guide book isn’t really necessary). In order to revive your dinosaurs (which are called vivosaurs in the game), you will have to dig up fossils and take them to the Fossil Center to be cleaned. You will have 90 seconds to clean your fossils as best as you can. Using a hammer on the touch screen, you can chip away layers of rock until you get close to the fossil, aiming carefully so that you don’t damage the bone. When most of the rock is removed, you can switch to the drill for more precise cleaning. You will be given a score between 0 and 100, when the timer runs out. The higher your cleaning score, the stronger your vivosaur will be. This process can be extremely time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to score more than 85 points.

Each vivosaur has different powers and abilities. There are also different elemental types that determine how effective your vivosaur’s attacks will be. As the story progresses, you will be encounter new characters and challenges.

Although I’ve only played this game for a few hours, my overall review of the game so far is “blah.” The graphics are pretty horrible. All the human characters are rather boring, seeing as they don’t change their facial expressions and they move like stiff crank-up toys (only the dinosaurs are well-drawn and expressive). And it erks me that the player does not get to choose his/her gender, especially since there are subtle hints of a love story between the player and the granddaughter. Also, the repetitiveness of digging for fossils, cleaning fossils, and battling vivosaurs can become dull. The only thing that really keeps me playing is the desire to find all the different vivosaurs.

Overall, I think that this game is good for young kids, preferably young boys. Older players might find the game to be too predictable and gender-biased (yes, I am a girl and it REALLY bothers me that the entire game is based on a male perspective >_<).

Customer Buzz

 “Fossil Fighter fun!” 2009-08-18
This game is pretty cool. If you like easy games this would be a perfect for you but there are some realy hard parts. to me this game is a mix of Zelda, pokemon,and Yu-gi-oh. But i must warn you,a girl kisses you on the cheek ’cause you saved her life.

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