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The dark knight Cecil, stripped of his command of the Red Wings, set out for the distant Valley of Mist. Together with Kain, commander of the Dragoons, he would pursue a faceless quarry―and a chance for redemption. The advent of the airship had marked the realization of mankind’s most ancient dream. But man is a creature seldom sated, and he was quick to dream anew. With the unparalleled might of the Red Wings, Baron’s military soon reigned supreme. Why, then, does its king now seek the Crystals? And why have fearsome monsters suddenly begun to overrun the once calm land? If the Crystals know, they share no answers―only their pure and silent light……..

Technical Details

– Witness the dramatic and thrilling story of this mythical game world brought to life through astounding 3D graphics, gorgeous CG cutscenes and top-notch voice acting
– Create a versatile party using the all-new Augment System – a dynamic system that allows the player to assign special abilities to characters
– Dive into the first RPG to incorporate the innovative Active Time Battle system, now further enhanced and refined for the Nintendo DS
– Navigate effortlessly through the game with Nintendo DS Touch Screen functionality and stylus-driven controls while receiving vital assistance via the dual-screen presentation
– Train and customize Whytkin by playing a variety of mini-games and challenge another player to head-to-head battle via local wireless connection
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Customer Buzz

 “Pleasantly Surprised” 2009-09-05
By B. Khomsi
I’ve played FF IV probably 5 or 6 times before this, so I was struggling to find the motivation to play again. I was shocked by the amount of new content though, and the overall new presentation, enough to make it feel almost like a totally different game.

If you enjoyed it the first time, there’s enough to bring you back again. Best new addition by far is the auto-battle mode. You can pick one move for each character, assign it to them, and then just set it to auto-battle. With the simpler RPGs that are a bit older, this is a godsend. No more A,A,A,A,A,A,A 1000x just to select “Fight” in 100 random battles. You literally don’t have to ever again. Made the game immensely enjoyable.

Customer Buzz

 “Lovin’ it” 2009-08-25
By Amy Skalecki (VT, USA)
I’m a new player when it comes to the Final Fantasy games, I’ve only played two other of the more recent ones. When I heard this game was a remake of one of the old origonals, I had to check it out. I love the ideology of all the FF games, and they made good usage for the dual screnes of the DS. Not a lot of use for the stylus, though. But, it is a remake. The graphics are nice, even though their nothing like the opening movie, but that’s to be expected. I love the fight setup, easy to understand even for the beginning FF player.

Customer Buzz

 “A few annoyances, but overall a solid game.” 2009-08-14
By Dakota Stone (Columbus, OH)
So I jumped into the FF series VERY late, and decided to go in no logical order (that also happens to be chronologically), so I had no experience with the dynamic battle system inherent in the later games until this point.

I was very pleasantly surprised.

The main problem with FF 1-3 (apart from the unimaginative stories) was that once you figured out who was weak to what, the game became a grindfest until you could easily defeat higher enemies. This of course breaks flow, is boring, and is not good for any game (save MMOs, apparently). The Active Time Battle system (along with some considerably smarter enemies) overcomes this, where every random encounter feels like a fight for your life. Strategy and information are KEY in this game, as enemies frequently can and will wipe your whole party (the libra spell is your best friend!).

There are some problems with the explanation of the system, though. If you wait a moment at any characters main menu (not to be confused the magic or item menu) in battle, you’ll quickly notice enemies are still free to take their turns, so you have to either open your spell list or target an enemy to stop time, even in WAIT mode (I end up using pause more often than not, myself). The game shadily tells you this (in so many words) in a few places, but it never quite jumps out and says it, and this can be pretty annoying the 15th time after checking for sure the ENEMIES WAIT THEIR #%^$ TURN button is checked (of course, if you’re crazy you can run through the whole game on ACTIVE mode, where enemies can act as soon as they can, no matter what you’re doing).

Another not so desirable feature is the touch screen, which can best be described as having little to no effect on the direct game itself. Yes, there are a few minigames that make use of it, but apart from those it doesn’t get used at all, even in battle! (And for anyone who points out that you can use it to move like in FF3, I will counter that because your characters are on the top screen, the feature becomes a shadow of what it used to be)

One good thing the touch screen brings to the table (although this is the “screen” part of it, not the “touch”) is a map feature, handed to you a bit into the game by a certain rabbit. This map makes dungeon crawling infinitely easier, especially when you clear a whole dungeon only to realize you need to leave the way you came in (which happens more than once).

The story is clear, well paced, and not as full of itself as some of the later games, and it’s made more immersive through the magic of VOICED CUTSCENES (to hear the Gamestop guys tell it, at any rate). Frankly, the voiced ones don’t come into play very often, but considering the quality of the actors, that’s ok… The story, at any rate, is of good quality, and worth finishing the game for.

Finally, a warning. As with many Final Fantasy’s, characters come and go in this one faster than enemies, so be careful who you equip with what, and save often. This is doubly true of AUGMENTs (powers you can equip on one character), which can’t be moved after the fact.

My final rating:

Gameplay: A-

Sound: B-

Story: B+

Creativity: C- (But you’re playing a Final Fantasy game, what did you expect?)

Fun: A

Overall: B+

Customer Buzz

 “Good but hard game” 2009-08-02
By Daniel C. Cox Gonzalez
This game is great but some times bad. I bought this because i thought it looked good and i am a big fan of the final fantasy games.

what is good about this game is the graphics. it has great graphics and cut scenes and they are probally some of the best graphics for the ds. the story and the attacks and stuff are a great improvement from the snes version.

what is bad about this game is the diffuculty. the game is very hard and it took me 42 hours to beat.they dont have a diffuculty select for the game so it is always hard. the bosses are always extremely hard so it is impossible to beat them unless you are a high level so you have to level up (which can take hours) before fighting.

also the dungeons and everywhere is filled with monsters that you run in to about every 10 seconds. another thing is each character can have only certian weapons so you cant really customize. last is abilities. the abilities are arnt so goood. the darkness sucks cuz all it does make your attack slightly higher.

this is a very good game and is very fun and has a goood story.

therefor i reccomend this game for all. i reccomend this game for patient people. and, if you are not patient i also reccomed buying a game shark or action replay when you buy this game too.

Customer Buzz

 “FF4 quick review” 2009-08-02
By Keifer’s (brooksville FL USA)

+every thing has ben upgraded

+good story

+can have a custom summon called whyt and to increase his skills you can play decent minigames

+wide open world to explore


-the only time you use the touch screen is for the minigames

-auto-battle sucks

-too hard for first time rpgers

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